High performance motor drives commonly use field-oriented control (FOC) since it offers smooth and efficient operation throughout the entire speed range. BridgeSwitch offers a unique function by providing a small…
CCDs are ideal for very low light imaging applications, such as astronomy, clinical diagnostic testing, and bioluminescence. The compatibility of the CCD with very long integration times, and facility for…
The efficiency and size benefits of SiC devices have been enthusiastically embraced by designers of industrial, automotive, traction systems and photovoltaic power conversion. To provide more detail, the lower sheet…
Over the past 20 years, IEEE 802.11 commonly referred to as Wi-Fi has evolved from 2 Mbps to over gigabit speeds, a 1000-fold increase in throughput. The standard has continuously…
As such more and more electronics-based equipment is being installed factory-wide in control systems and sensors of various types. At the same time most industrial manufacturing facilities contain heavy-duty equipment…
While almost every power-supply engineer intimately knows and understands the lab setup for measuring efficiency, there are many important nuances that must be considered when measuring the efficiency of a…
The focus of this article is to address the need to utilize the latest circuit protection technology available to increase the effi ciency of a battery powered remote panel deployed…
Each memory module has rank based on how DRAM chips are organized. A memory rank is a set of DRAM chips connected to the same chip select, and which are…
With the introduction of the Sixteenth Brick converter, the first question some may ask is why would I want a smaller version of my 20A Eighth or Quarter Brick -…
This article describes best practices for new designs of PROFIBUS DP nodes, and covers bus node isolation, PROFIBUS compliance, and bus signal polarity. It includes a review of a new…
With improvements in switching figure of merit provided by eGaN FETs, the packaging and PCB layout parasitics are critical to high performance.
This white paper will study the effect of parasitic…
Microelectronic chips, also known as integrated circuits (ICs), are at the heart of our modernday society.Discrete semiconductor memory and storage (DRAM and NAND) currently account for almost a third of…