The embedded storage market is full of various solutions touted as “industrial grade” by their suppliers. But, not all of these SSDs are created equal. Many of the supposed “industrial”…
Applications on many medical devices require secure and persistent network connections. Hospitals present challenges to reliable Wi-Fi connectivity.
To ensure reliable functionality, a Wi-Fi radio that is embedded in a medical…
Every type of electronic equipment – from PCs, servers and network equipment, to home theaters, computer peripherals and mobile devices – is vulnerable to damage caused by power surges and…
This paper briefly describes how amorphous cores are made and describes a method of using SPIKE KILLER and AMOBEADS, small saturable inductors, to improve the recovery characteristics of a diode,…
High image resolution is essential in both dental panoramic and intraoral radiography for investigating the cause and symptoms of undiagnosed pain. To improve image resolution and analytical capability, control panel…
Vector Network Analyzers of RohdeandSchwarz family are able to measure magnitude and phase of complex S-parameters of a device under test (DUT) in the frequency domain. By means of the…
To meet the consumer's ever-increasing demand for faster, more advanced technology, design engineers are creating systems that maximize power while minimizing space. Yet this additional power provides design engineers with…
Industrial grade CompactFlash (CF) has been a storage workhouse for embedded systems since the turn of teh century, and it appears as though this tried and true storage platform still…
The use of load cells is prevalent in many aerospace ground and flight test applications. In considering this technology, it is important to understand why load cells are an ideal…
Radar warning equipment is installed in all types of airborne platforms such as airplanes, helicopters, etc., and in naval or ground based platforms. This equipment protects the platforms and all…
Amid the multitude of advanced technologies being integrated into automated packaging operations today, one of the most reliable and versatile components —inductive sensors—have been holding their own for decades. These…
When you think of temperature monitoring and critical components survey on a PCBA you may not think of Real-Time Clocks (RTC), but in addition to keep an updated track of…