TAIYO YUDEN Lithium Ion Capacitors: An Effective EDLC Replacement
An accepted energy solution, conventional Electrical Double Layer Capacitors (EDLC) have many notable...
Powering your FPGA Applications
Field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) have gained much attention and widespread application in the end...
The Benefits of Using Digital Power Modules
Digital power is one of the most important technologies for reducing power consumption and managing the...
Protecting Yourself from Counterfeit and Gray Market Components
As a manufacturer of switches, quality is one of the most crucial elements of our brand. It is also one...
Battery Simulation with DC power supply R&S®NGM200
This application note is about creating your own battery model for the RandS®NGM200, beyond the standard...
dB or not dB?
True or false: 30 dBm + 30 dBm = 60 dBm? Why does 1% work out to be -40 dB one time but then 0.1 dB or...
Advantages and Challenges of Third-Overtone IC Crystals
ICs with on-board oscillators requiring low frequency fundamental crystals are commonplace but now IC...
Improve DC-DC Forward Converter Efficiency with eGaN FETs
DC-DC converter designers can achieve higher power density at lower power levels by using forward converters...
DC Power Supplies –Design in House or Buy off-the-Shelf?
There are four options for their DC/DC converters when determining the power needs for their end product....
Loop Gain Digital Redesign
Two methods can be used to re-design loop-gain digitally for the power supply converters: digital redesign...
Determining Current-Voltage Characteristics with the Oscilloscope
Component testers make it easier for users, such as developers or students, to analyze the signal characteristics...
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